Monday 13 December 2010


Dear me, here we go again with apologies and all that jazz. OK, I'll just cut to the chase instead, yeah? Above, our melon crop! Well, there were a couple of others, but as you can see, not that great. We did very well with many things this year, including apples, berries, pears and grapes. But the melons were a little disappointing in size, though the flavour was excellent!

It's December. I have no idea where all my good intentions go, but finally here are some updates. Today a heron landed on the roof of the house opposite us. I reached for my camera, and imagine my surprise when it was STILL THERE - LOL. It surely was a handsome bird!

My niece has been to visit, with her new puppy, Clive. As ever, Millie was not that into making friends, but she was vaguely tolerant of the wee lad! Clive is a miniature schnauzer, and very very lovely.

We have been to see some good friends of ours recently, and for once I remembered to take my camera, so here are the stars of their house, Laddie (in the front) and Lucy (unusually, behind) - awwwwww.

There are many more pictures and stories, but I am having some trouble uploading tonight, so I'll leave it at that. We are off to a cottage in Wales for the holiday, so I'll aim to post something when we get back from there.

Meantime - Happy Holidays!