Tuesday 12 May 2009

News from the Plot

This weekend I finally managed to get up to the plot and remember to take my camera, whilst the weather was good enough for photos. So, this is where we're up to now ...

Above you can see one of the apple trees, with the blossom beginning to fall, so that tiny apples are just forming. There are about 5 apple trees ... I wonder what we might do with that many apples? Maybe there'll be a big "June drop" perhaps I'll think about apple crops after that.

Here is an update on the broad beans, which are now fairly sizable and in flower. Some of the leaves are a little nibbled looking (snails and slugs - ewww) but hopefully some beans will form soon.

The carrots are still fairly tiny, and have been really badly surrounded by weeds. However it is easy to tell which *are* carrots, so I'm slowly weeding around them.

The turnips are a much bigger problem, here they are surrounded by similar looking things that we don't necessarily want. But which are the turnips? I have no idea!

The onions are growing well. This is one of two rows, both of which look good so far. There are also some spring onions (scallions) but I haven't taken their picture yet (sorry).

Colin and Manda have been working hard on a second row of raspberries,

and asparagus and strawberries. Here's Colin fixing a wooden surround on the asparagus bed.
The strawberries are under a mat, which is supposed to help the fruit stay dry and pest-free (at one time gardeners used straw, but that's far too low-tech for my pal Manda).
Not to be outdone in the building area, Annie and I constructed this fine edifice on Saturday. It's for runner beans to grow up and Annie has planted some beans at the bottom of each pole. Now we wait! There's actually another "wigwam" behind this one (you can just see it in the picture) and that's for the sweet peas, which are growing nicely in Mum's greenhouse, so another job that now needs doing is to move those up to the plot.
The peas that we can eat are coming up nicely although they have a lot of growing to do.

These are the first poatoes that Annie planted out up at the plot (we have another kind, farther along than this, growing in "potato bags" at home). These are Charlottes, which is are good, firm little potatoes and which should be ready to crop maybe about the end of July (guessing here!).

By the time I'd taken all of these pictures I realised that my pack was pretty bored and ready to go home, so we headed off!

I will try to update sooner next time, hopefully with some more progress in the growing department!


cod said...

I love watching the progress! May your harvest be abundant and your pack patient. ;¬)

P Babe said...

I too love the progress reports. Maybe when I'm retired like Wayne and Carla I'll try my hand at gardening. It will be a battle between the deer and I no doubt. We have quite a lovely herd. Last night I counted 8, but some nights bring a dozen or more. Can you imagine the fence I'll have to have around a garden? Sadly my baby birds have gone the way of last year's hatchlings. I suspect to my dogs they were appetizers. We removed the nest (again) and placed it in a bush outside the dog's yard hoping she might consider taking up residence in a new home for the next laying. I doubt it though. Love to you both (Millie too)

The Pack said...

(((((Connie))))) My pack are, really, I just took advantage of the scene to make that crack. I'm sure they were keeping watch over the plot, in real life ;¬)

((((((Penny))))) Yeah, I saw you'd lost the hatchlings on FB. Very sad. As you say though, she will lay again, hopefully. I bet there are deer-proof fence arrangements, we'll just have to get googling!

What is all of this about Wayne's arm? I guess we'd best phone them this weekend and see if we can find out.

A Babe has a gig Friday night though, so until then, it'll be all rock'n'roll with us - LOL

Much love to everyone,

K xxx.

Lou said...

Everything is growing so well! Drat those weeds, masquerading as turnips. LOL Where I live, there are many strawberry fields, and all are covered with the black polyethylene film.

The Pack said...

Oh that's great Lou, I'll pass that along.

I need to tackle those weeds, but I think the weather is going to be too wet for much work this weekend, so I suppose they'll just grow, grow, grow!

K xxx.

P Babe said...

Wayne and Carla are having a little get together to which I'll be bringing the rum cake. Yes, Mr. Wayne broke his arm. I guess he's lucky he didn't do it before Cayman or there would be no water for him. Now he gets to wear a cast for a few weeks.

cod said...

We planted our upside down tomato plant yesterday. Interesting!

Tomorrow my jiffy garden goes into the earth boxes on the deck!

Love all this growing stuff, don't you??

The Pack said...

Oh Penny, I hope the get-together is/was good! Rum cake .... yummmm

We're going to need pics Connie .... but you know that :-) I'm going to be interested to see how those tomatoes go, I've seen those planters, but not yet tried them.

Gig last night, so we're both v tired today, but the band raised over £700 for the firefighters' charity (I suppose that's about $1100 or so). So that was a great result :-)

K xxx.