Monday 12 April 2010


Dearest pals, we're back from sunny Michigan already. I don't know where that time goes. We had a great trip though and arrived to some beautiful weather, including an odd day where the temperature topped 80! Gorgeous! So, we did the lakeshore and pottered down to Shipshewana, we visited bookstores (ok, that was me) and went out for Easter brunch, at the W K Kellogg House. We saw friends and family and even had breakfast with the "Breakfast Tour" (

Annie's cousin has recently set up in business doing therapeutic massage, so we went to Otsego, to visit her and have massages, very luxurious. The pic at the top of this post is taken outside the gym where Jan has her room, in downtown Otsego.

This beauty owns a bookstore called Kazoo Books, which is a place I'm very fond of having a look around, when we're in town. On this visit I didn't get too much time for looking at actual books as a cat head was pushed under my hand at every opportunity! I think s/he must know I was missing Millie.

The Kellogg summer house is a pretty buidling, with interesting stories about its construction and use since the Kelloggs passed it along. The food was STUNNING! Very wonderful buffet brunch and in good company too :-)

We did a tour of the Kellogg place, after brunch (which did feature canteloupe, but also some magnificent cakes!). The place was decorated very nicely indeed, each bathroom (I forget, were there 7?) had its own unique tiling, all very pretty and art deco. Sadly the pics from indoors didn't come out too wonderfully, but here's one to give you a flavour.

We just took Annie's 'little camera' this time, so I didn't go as mad with photos as I can do - a relief, I'm sure. However, I'll catch you up on the puppy play-dates and allotment pretty soon, so fear not - blogging is back on!


cod said...

Wow some nice shots with the "little camera". You guys know how to have fun. Massages and bookstores and mansion tours.....nice!

The Pack said...

We do try :-)

Annie's not so keen on the bookstore part though! Hope you're well, guess I'd best get over to the stew and see ...

cod said...

....but YOU did the bookstore. I LOVE bookstores.

My favorite bookstore experience was when we were staying in Salem, Massachusetts. Yeah the witch city! Tom was working at a bank there and I had the opportunity to roam those narrow brick streets from so long ago. I discovered an equally narrow bookstore. I MEAN NARROW! I walked through the doorway into a single aisle, lined on either side with books. They went from floor to ceiling. On my right, in the center of that BOOK STACK was a small opening where I was greeted by an elderly lady. I selected a book and slid my money to the lady in the cubbyhole of books.

No Barnes & Noble that............

cod said...

waiting for plot pics here! ;¬)

The Pack said...

I know Connie hon, I'm so so slow!

cod said...

at least i got your attention. ;¬)