Monday 26 May 2008

Say, "Cheese!"

Well, that cheesecake! That's a recipe to use again. Definitely a keeper.

Mind you, incredibly rich too - so much mascarpone and cream cheese! I'm not sure Annie and I should really be left with those leftovers. We did give some to Mum to take home though, and she did seem to enjoy the meal. Despite our wee devil dog having a go at biting her! Oh boy.

Lil Millie is really having a tough time with her allergies at the moment and that seems to make everything hard work for her. So Mum goes to walk past Millie's bed and BANG out pops the wee sprite to have a quick gnash on the old lady leg ... *sigh*.

Lunch and the wine seemed to cheer Mum but left me with a nasty headache. This made me realise though that: (a) I need to worry less about Millie; and (b) I probably need a light week to get over the current rash of headaches. So let's see if I can hang onto this realisation .....


vickie said...


congrats on joining the blogosphere!

and millie is adorable. :-)


The Pack said...

Why thank you


And she is :-)

K xxx.

cod said...

pssst.....val, if you visit, wear long heavy jeans, k?

LOL....Kate, remember when I was talking about wanting a dog? I asked Tom the other day "wouldn't you love to have a dog again?" He surprised me with a "sure" but then followed it up with, "but probably not a good idea right now and if we did, I'd want a jack russell." ;¬)

Millie is so cute and is protecting her new family from even sweet little grey haired ladies. ===8¬[

The cheesecake looks heavenly, btw!

The Pack said...

Annie has spent much of today muttering "He wants a Jack Russell" and shaking her head. She is of the general opinion that our lives would have been much more peaceful had we gotten ourselves a German Shep or Retriever type beast. And she may well be right! But goodness knows, security would be lax!

Thanks for psoting all over the place my dear friend. You are so kind :-)

K xxx.

cod said...

LOL tell Annie, that should we buckle, and look for a pup, I will persuade him to *want* a different breed. Two nights ago, I was talking to a friend who had just lost her JR when he ran onto the highway. Her husband got another. When I told her we loved that breed, she rolled her eyes and said "THEY DO NOT LISTEN!" So between you and Annie, and my friend not.

You met Colt, Sean's Shepherd, right? He's so regal and smart and calm and graceful, but he doesn't endure hugs. I have to grab his big head and force him to let me give him a hug. Now Murphy, my Golden.........would let you hold him in a hug for hours.

But, my next dog would have to be a small one. Wonder what breed is small, does not shed, and is calm and sweet? LOL

vickie said...

i am almost afraid to ask why i should wear long heavy jeans.


The Pack said...

Oh (((((vickie))))) hon - insects.

(((((Connie))))) Yes, exactly. They do not listen. King Charles or Cavalier King Charles - they are little and well behaved and love to cuddle. Not so sure on the shedding thing though.

Mind, they are also spaniels so prone to get stuff wrong with eyes and ears.

Course, it may just be that owning a pet is complicated?


Or ... vickie ... possibly just the temperature. It's 54 this morning and with rain coming down in sheets. Good old Blighty.

Love you two,

K xxx.

cod said...

The long heavy jeans are leg protectors when tip toeing past Millie's bed. ;¬)

I think owning a pet would complicate our lives right now, yeah. But that doesn't prevent me from oooohing and awwwwing over every damn doggie I see right now. I'll just be strong. Weekends at the cabin give me PLENTY of dog cuddling opportunities as everyone brings their pups there. And, of course, I have my granddoggies Colt and Barkley.

Love you too ((((Kate))))

The Pack said...

Yes, I realised I had over-simplified the leg thing. Typically.

I checked with the memory lady and she says we met both Murph and Colt - she thinks.

I guess what I was meaning to say is they always complicate, but they also reward :-)

K xxx.

cod said...

LOL......Annie "THINKS". Okay tell her she's slipping. Her memory has always been freakishly amazing! ;¬)