Monday 16 March 2009

Beans update and ... heck, more flowers

OK so I've been a bit remiss lately and I do apologise. Some of the time life seems a bit tricky at the moment, between my health and my Mum's. However, today is lovely and sunny, so that's always encouraging. Here are some violas and crocuses, out in the garden today.

I love the purple stripes on these.
Yesterday we took some of those beans in tp tubes up to the plot and planted them out. Annie took a shot with her phone and, as she said, I look truly eccentric, wrapping netting around my baby bean plants so that the local birds don't just eat them!

I aim to get back up there this week and plant some onion sets and some turnip and carrot seeds. So, there may be more photographic evidence to come ...
Meanwhile we have had the carpet in the living room cleaned today, so we were sitting out in the conservatory this afternoon (porch) whilst we let the carpet dry. We both heard a fluttering sound and found what we assume to be a moth, with very lovely lacy shaped wings. Inside the wings were brown and orange but she/he didn't want to pose with open wings, so this is what we have.
She/he kept bashing against the windows so, after a bit, I gave up with photograpy to help her/him to safety - outside! Needless to say, by that time a certain terrier was also becoming interest in the fluttering noises ...


cod said...

Look at Millie! Aw.

Okay I really laughed at "eccentric".

Oh the purple flowers are beautiful!

Glad you found some time to post but I think we all understand if you can't find the time. You are a busy woman!

Sending good health wishes to you and your mum! (((Kate)))

Anonymous said...

Wow, those beans have really popped up!

cod said...

Beans love to be tended by eccentrics! ;¬)

V word: oatis

The Pack said...

Thank you (((((cod))))) we're doing reasonably too, this week.

They have Lou, that's the beauty of taking a pic for the blog I realised. You REALLY notice the progress!

Oh here we go with the eccentrics theme.

Veri word: spores. Honestly.