Wednesday 4 March 2009

Growing stuff and a hero

Today's post is inspired by some sunshine. This morning is quite chilly, (36, according to the puter) but lovely and sunny. So, I have nipped outside and taken a few shots of the flowers in the garden (yard). One thing that makes me sad about spring is that we don't get to spend that much time in the garden as it is not warm enough for too much hanging around! This is more noticeably a shame now that we have been here a few years and so I have quite a few things planted and coming up all prettily.

One of the best things about spring, however, is watching stuff grow. The allotment gives me lots of excuses to grow different plants this year and this shot is of some broad beans (same ones that I planted at the plot) growing in TP tubes, in the house.

It is said that if you start some off indoors like this they can produce beans earlier, so I decided to try this out. The TP tubes are supposed to give them a good start as they are deep-rooted plants and the tube can go striaght into the ground, protecting the roots. So the next step will be to harden these off a little and then they can be planted out, in a few weeks. Naturally, I will keep you posted.

And finally, here is our plot hero, Colin. He has now given me his permission to publish his picutre which I suspect is a good thing all round, since he's clearly going to do a lot of work at the plot and I'd hate him to be invisible on the blog. I think he looks quite bemused by the taks here, and who can blame him! Thanks already, pal :-)

Morning all, K xxx.


cod said...

Seeing all those spring flowers coming up in what looks like very wintery weather, is amazing! The one thing I dislike about not being in KY in early spring is seeing all the bulbs come to bloom. We miss that every year now.

I just did a search for info on broad beans as I was not familiar with them. What an interesting bean!

I am fascinated by your progress at the plot, so please keep us posted.

The Pack said...

Thank you my lovely :-) It is wintery at the moment but the bulbs have had enough warmth to get going, I guess. I can see how you would miss spring bulbs - but there are plenty of days when I'm jealous of your Florida sunshine!

cod said...

You are right about Florida. The first time I walked out of the garden store, carrying large hanging baskets of flowers, for cheap, in January........I was smiling from ear to ear!

cod said...

...and one more thing.....the v word that popped up after i posted is



The Pack said...

Great v word!

Yes, I can see that grin too :-)))))

K xxx.