Thursday 16 April 2009


Just now, I was sitting at the computer, playing daft games, as usual. I looked up and the Royal Mail van was drawing up outside our house, which means that a parcel is being delivered. This also means I race to the door to try to grab Millie before she goes totally bonkers with fury - lol. So, when I had picked up the wee barking thing, the postman slid a parcel through my cautiously opened front door and I dropped Millie (not literally) and grabbed the box, as Millie has been known to vent her anger on the mail itself. Unusually, we weren't expecting any parcels, so I looked with interest at the box. It was from PBabe! And it said Peeps!
What a lovely surprise :-)

Thank you,

K, A and M xxx.


P Babe said...

Ha Ha, so glad you got my surprise. The funny part of the whole thing is that the postage cost far more than the peeps inside. Millie would've enjoyed chewing up that parcel I suspect. Love to the 3 of you.

The Pack said...

Yeah, we looked at that postage amount and gulped!

Thank you again :-)

K xxx.

cod said...

Peeps were popular in my house too. They weren't the familiar yellow chicks from my childhood, but orange bunnies and green chicks.

(i was tempted to show the boys the microwave trick but thought not)

The Pack said...

What's the microwave trick? (We still have some left!)
