Sunday 22 June 2008


We've had a visit from some friends from London this weekend, which has been really lovely. So we did a couple of trips out and about, but notably on Friday we all went round the formal garden at Tatton. The light was really pretty for pictures and there were some lovely things in flower, I was really taken by this peony and the pink rose above.

The garden includes some small water features and one has some bank gunnera growing alongside. Again the leaves looked really splendid on Friday, in the sunlight. Gunnera is sometimes known as "giant rhubarb" and I think it's a native of warmer climates than this, but it likes damp - so does well in England!

And if you aren't familiar with them, those leaves are kinda big!


cod said...



The flowers, which I assume are normal size, are beautiful, Kate!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I looked up gunnera, and see that its stalks are edible. Imagine the PIE! What lovely pink shades on those blossoms. There is nothing like an English garden. Thanks so much for these pictures.

The Pack said...

Thank you, the gunnera is amazing - you could ahve your own edible house under there! I have a pic of underneath too, I'll try to remember to put that in the next post.

Today is Millie to the itch-doctor, for her allergy tests, so this is an all-day affair and that doctor is 25 miles away. Our plan is to pop over to Liverpool and do an art gallery. Don't tell Mill though, she might think that callous! lol

So, long break now before I can be back ... but then, you are asleep, so rest well ;-)

K xxx.