Sunday 25 January 2009

Back at Wythenshawe

Yesterday Millie and I went out for a walk at Wythenshawe again, in rather less icy, but more damp, conditions. I was really happy to see some bulbs pushing through amongst the fallen leaves from last autumn and thought I'd take a picture for the blog, as a little "spring is on the way" offering. Millie clearly wanted to know what was so interesting just there - so, you can still nearly see the daffodil shoots, behind Ms Nosey's busy-ness!

We saw that Ollie Cromwell is still all wrapped in scaffold so decided to try a different walk, skirting around the edge of some woods and this brought us round the other side of the field where the horses live. They were quite keen to say hello and started walking over in our direction whilst I was messing around with the self-timer on the camera, trying to get a shot of me in my new specs. (Maybe when I get this new camera for my birthday I can get a picture where you can actually see the specs? lol )
When I turned around two horses were right up to the fence behind me and Millie was some way away, watching but figuring that you shouldn't really get too close to anything that big. Consequently she didn't really see me feed them with the only treats I had in my pocket (dog kibble, of course!).

After this we started out back and I managed to step in a puddle which was deeper than it looked and got my shoe, sock and bottom of leg of jeans quite muddy. I did consider another photo but then realised that mud was still quite cold and wintery and I'd rather just get back to the house!

Later on though, Annie and I did do our first bit of tidying up around the plants in the front garden (yard y'all) at home, so Spring must truly be coming. I'll take some pics out there, when there's any decent sunlight to show you :-)

Happy January all. Much love.


Anonymous said...

Horses wearing jackets are so, so--wintery! A new camera for your birthday, eh? What a great idea. Hope you didn't catch a cold.

The Pack said...

OMG you are psychic! I'm sniffling up a storm today :-(

(((((((Lou)))))))) Thank you my friend.

K xxx.

cod said...

I was wondering if Millie took that photo of you but then read on.


In response to "the sniffles" my v word is "terstu"!

Bless you!

cod said...

Love the little sprouts behind Millie's head!!