Wednesday 7 January 2009


Here's our car, parked outside the "Shippon", amidst farm buildings, near the village of Melin-y-Wig, which might mean "mill (by) the wood" but my Welsh leaves much to be desired ;-) The place was really lovely, beautifully presented and with flowers and treats as well as a Christmas tree left for us. The area was very secluded so there was lots of peace and quiet (even Millie was able to relax on the sofa rather than run security 24/7 in her usual way).

Out back there was a little enclosed yard with two trees and peanuts for the birds, so we all watched them feeding, though Millie, as ever, tried to eat anything extra that I was foolish enough to try to scatter on the ground for the birds!

Nearby we found Clocaenog forest, which was a huge hit with the whole family, being very lovely, easy to walk around and (apparently) absolutely full of excellent smells.

I really liked this little tree, a perfectly sized Christmas tree, shame we found it a bit late! Most of these pictures were taken on Sunday, and at that point it was fabulously cold and somewhat frosty, but not actually snowy. Overnight however, that position changed.

On Monday, we had proper snow and some absolutely beautiful sunshine. The result was that the forest looked even more gorgeous than the day before.

We also went for a drive around some of the countryside and saw much really lovely scenery. Whilst we were away we ate at the Shippon each night and tried out three new main dish recipes (nobody tell Val that I didn't think to photograph the food, ok?). All three recipes worked out pretty well and my Mum is now coming over on Friday to try one of these with us, so we've tried some new stuff already this year and I'm happy about that!

After our drive around we went back to the forest to have a second walk and see if we could find some wild horses we'd read about. They are three Przewalski's mares, surplus to a breeding programme in a local zoo, and have been released into a secure area within the forest. We walked a good distance and had given up, were on the way back to the car, cold and disapponited when, oh my, we came across the group of three, happily feeding! It seems someone had been by and dropped off their feed whilst we were walking around, and so we just happened to head back at the right time. The horses were really calm about having us nearby (we did tie Millie to a telegraph pole a little way away) and they were just beautiful. So glad we found them!

After all this excitement we went back to the Shippon, ate our last new menu and then packed up to come home. On Tuesday morning the weather was much the same, still snow and still sunny. We headed home via Llangollen, and stopped for a walk/run at the ruins of a medieval Cistercian abbey, Valle Crucis. This was our last scenic stop for the holiday and was another success. The place looked beautiful in the snow and there was nobody there but us and some workmen (couldn't really work out what they were getting ready to do, but they were quite friendly). Handily I had my brown hoodie on, so almost looked like a medieval monk!

Millie had a great time running around, though there was one heart-stopping moment when she ran on to the frozen pond. With visions of her going straight through I yelled "Get off there, Now!" much to the amusement of the workmen and to the surprise of Millie, who prefers her lady to be a bit more peace-loving! Luckily she took me seriously and no ice cracked!

Inside the abbey, Millie wanted to look out of the window in the chapter house, which I thought was rather cute so tried to take a picture. However, a terrier moves quickly when in checking-out mode, so I missed the opportunity. Undaunted I bribed her back up with the treat you can just make out, sitting on the edge of the window! We arrived home on Tuesday afternoon but I've been running since then, so I'm sorry it's taken a while for me to post. We came home to scary news reports of a man who has been into a frozen pond to get his dog out, but luckily everyone survived well enough to be on the news telling their tale.

The dog is called Jarvis, and is a cocker spaniel. So that's a play on the name of Jarvis Cocker, singer with the band Pulp. This got me thinking about other potential dog names - so far we have Vonda (a Shepherd dog) and Jerry (a Springer spaniel).

In all it was a really good break and we all enjoyed spending the time together. However, nothing excites Millie quite like being home, so she's really content with being here today. Back home, the snow has melted, leaving it cold but easy to get around, so that makes Annie and I fairly cheerful too. However, we also came home to the horrible news that the husband of a friend has died completely unexpectedly and so I am firmly in counting my blessings territory today. In this spirit I send love to everyone, and do aim to keep well and warm.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't know where to start in commenting on your wonderful holiday. So perfect that snow fell! I have seen Przewalski's horses only in zoos and can only imagine the beauty of them breathing steam in a snowy forest. You take such pretty pictures of Annie and Millie. :)

The Pack said...

Yeah, they weren't breathing so much as snaffling the food quickly! lol But you're right it was steamy cold.

and, as ever, you are charmingly kind about my photos.

Mind you, I'm aiming for a better camera, so do find a few faults every now and then - help me build my case ;-)

Annie and Millie are naturally beautiful, so taking pretty pictures of them is a snip!

Much love my dear,

Q xxx.

Anonymous said...

I do so love reading of your exploits round the countryside. I must say your snow pales in comparison to that of Michigan today. It caused a big accident on I-94 which closed Westbound. I bailed off Portage Road due to an accident on my way in to work this morning and made it on time. It came down all day. I had to go renew the drivers license so the place was great today, a rarity indeed (ask Annie). Never before had I walked in and been waited on immediately at the Portage Secretary of State. It appears the snow has frightened some people into staying home. Good news indeed for me. We have another winter storm watch in forecast for tomorrow. Ahhhh winter. Much Love, P Babe

The Pack said...

Yeah, I have been in those S of S offices and I do *know* what you mean! Sorry about your snow though, I know you get it for real, not like us amateurs! It's rare enough hear to be an event.

Patty and Selma on Simpsons also work in the Secretary of State's offices so that adds depth to my knowledge of those lovely places ;-)

Much love my dear and keep warm! Here's hoping for no more accidents today.

K xxx.

cod said...

Kate, your wonderful photos were SO worth waiting for! Each one was more beautiful than the next and I love that you add character by photographing Annie and Millie and even Friar Kate in your pictures. The history there, the charm, I am so envious.

I could almost hear the silence in the forest and feel the chill. The horses............omg.

Makes me want to head to a park or beach here and take some real photos.

(you know, not like Super Target) ;¬) paternal grandfather was of Welsh decent.

Anonymous said...

OMG it's been snowing since yesterday morning and we have at least a foot of new snow. Have shoveled twice today already. It is quite beautiful though. I'll have to take some pics and send them to you guys. This has been quite the snowy winter in Michigan.
I'd forgotten Patty and Selma worked at S of S. That's so funny. Too bad I didn't remember while I was there.
You two would die laughing. Today I bought little B a dress that says Fierce on it and Scooby got an aviator jacket. They look pretty cute. Sammi loves her squirrel T-shirt so decided to dress the bitty one. Love to the 3 of you.

The Pack said...

Dear Connie, your photos rock, my love :-) And you're Welsh! Well ok, just a bit. Fancy that! At least you ahve some Welsh pictures on your calendar this year ;-)

Penny! OMG @ that much snow!! And OMG OMG @ your pooches dressed up like that. We clearly need pics of all of this! Much love to all of you too :-)

K xxx.