Thursday 19 February 2009

Dessert hearts

This post concerns hearts and cakes. I have some friends and family who have very loving hearts and this has been as clear as ever to me, over the past few weeks. Whilst my mum has been ill, I have kept on being sent simply gorgeous flowers as well as text messages, emails, facebook messages and phone calls. All of this helps a huge amount, when times are tough. Here's a couple more images of some of the flowers.

Right now my mum is home from the hospital and doing fairly well, though it is not that easy for her to do very much for herself, as yet. She came home on Friday 13th, which turned out to be a really tough day for her, although in the end I know she was glad to go to bed in her own bed.

The next night, we were invited out for Valentine's to have dinner with
some friends. In true Midwest tradition we had offered to take dessert. So here is our dessert heart for Valentine's. I'm sorry you can't taste it (as it truly was scrummy) but I know you'll like the picture. It's a chocolate torte with hazelnuts, covered in chocolate frosting and with chocolate swirls and chocolate dipped strawberries, as decoration. I was fed up that I couldn't get the glare out of the picture but Annie assures me that the cake just *was* that glamorous! lol

My beloved also sent me flowers, for Valentine's, so here are my pretty red tulips. Flowers shaped like hearts :-)


cod said...

BEA-U-TIFIL!! Everything, Kate!

The flowers are so colorful, like you, and the cake is delicious looking, oh my!

I'm keeping positive thoughts for your mum's progress.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's what happened. I saw that chocolate cake, and I fainted. Then I had to toss a glass of water into my own face so that I could revive and leave this comment. You deserve those gorgeous flowers!

The Pack said...

LOL ((((Lou)))) thanks for a nice gigglte this morning. ((((Connie)))) you too, thank you, always.

vickie said...

i TOTALLY forgot to come and look at the cake... but i have now... ::: drool :::


The Pack said...

Awww ty Val my lovely.

Q xxx.