Monday 9 February 2009

Flowers and other happy thoughts

Today Millie and I went to Worthington Park again. We often go there on a Monday as Annie's voluntary work is nearby and we generally give her a lift there on Monday mornings. Today there was a sprinkling of snow on the ground and some serious chill in the air.
However, we had good news before we set out, that the hospital are considering letting Mum come home pretty soon, and there were flowers waiting to be photographed at the park. So, we had a lovely walk around, and took some better shots of the snowdrops; found a few early crocus in flower, some primroses and some blossom on a tree (maybe almond, but that's a guess). Millie is never that pleased with me for stopping to take pictures, but she did seem content with her walk today.

Mum has been taken to try out stairs today, by a physical therapist in the hospital, and apparently did fine. She's also made a cup of tea and some toast and did well in the kitchen too, so she's quite happy with how things are going. My lovely cousin, Janice and her husband Martyn came to visit today, so they found us all in a good frame of mind. There are a few more meetings to take place (I think) but all being well I think we'll have Mum back to her own place pretty soon.

Somehow the triumph of spring flowers on a cold day seems the perfect accompaniment to this news :-)


cod said...

Well that post is full of beautiful blooming plants and good news. Nice (((Kate)))

Anonymous said...

Hope springs eternal, yes? All best, Kate.

The Pack said...

(((((Connie))))) and (((((Lou))))) Thank you.

Yesterday was dismal in that it was too long and tiring. Today though, I hope for a better day. We're trying to get Mum home now, but this means getting a few things done about her place and I'm no hnadyperson, so that involves sitting and waiting for men. Not my best event! lol

cod said...

Okay that made me laugh, Kate.

Here's hoping she comes home soon!!

The Pack said...

:-) Today, hopefully.